The main mission for members of the California Clemency Boards is to use 21st Century technology, along with common sense, to PUT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM BACK ON TRACK.

Many innocent prisoners can get streamlined help with this new clemency process from organizations like The Innocence Project. Prisoners will not need to wait years for their appeal(s) to be heard.

California Clemency Boards is in no way a, "get out of jail free" card for those committed to living a life of crime. The pre-screening process will diligently look for a special type of citizen; equipped with a great deal of common sense, compassion, wisdom and understanding to seek the best qualified prisoners to be released from prison.

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Citizens selected to sit on these boards, which will be in every one of the 58 counties of California, will be vetted and work with, not against prison authorities, to create a safer, more manageable and smaller prison system.

DNA technology is of little use, or no use, if judges deny a prisoner’s appeal, after appeal, after an appeal if rulings are based on “Fairness” of procedures alone. California Clemency looks at fairness in procedure and beyond.

The top priority of a five-person citizen’s panel (Clemency board) seated, and waiting to hear/view DNA technology that has often set the innocent free will streamline the process to correct a wrong.